Christie O.

The Mountain Climber Diet

Lately I have likened everything I eat and/or do for exercise as “the mountain climber.” Not mountain climbers PLURAL, which are those awful exercises that make you want to die, but the guy off the Price is Right.

You remember him. I shall remind you.

“Yodelodee-dodeelodee-yodeelodeedohhhhh Do-dee-lo-deedohhhh Do-deelodeedohhhh”

I can still hear him yodeling. Behind Plinko, it’s my favorite game.

How you play is you’d guess the price and however far you went over, he’d move up the mountain. If you were totally off, OFF HE WENT. Right over the mountain.

Wah wah wahhhhhhhhhh.

So right now I’m viewing everything I eat and everything I do in terms of my personal mountain climber going up the mountain. If I am on target, my mountain climber goes in the right direction or doesn’t climb at all. When I am eating my face off or skipping a workout, my mountain climber is going the wrong direction, usually the same direction of the scale, which is up.

When I so much as look at a donut right now, I hear the mountain climber’s sweet yodel in my head: “Yodelodee-dodeelodee-yodeelodeedohhhhh Do-dee-lo-deedohhhh Do-deelodeedohhhh.”


wah wah wah wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. off the mountain.

I told you I gained oh, about 10 pounds since starting work, right? And that’s on top of the five pounds I gained after my surgery two 1/2 years ago. So on a 5′ frame, that’s a lot of meat. Then, they threw me on tv. And my 10-15 pounds of extra meat looked like 20-30!

But let’s not think about aesthetics shall we? Because it’s not about the aesthetics. I mean, it is actually true that if I lost the 10 pounds, I would nearly triple my wardrobe, since there is a bunch of crap I can’t stuff myself into right now. But that’s not the point. The point is, I’m sedentary and miserable. And who wants to be sedentary and miserable?

My arse is not glued to the chair, like it would have me believe for the past two years. So there are a few goals I have instituted recently. And I am not calling them New Year’s goals really because I’ve actually started these a few weeks ago, in December, (give or take a few days of Christmas feast and/or possible fried chicken) so I got a head start (give or take a few days of Christmas feast and/or possible fried chicken).

However, my training plan for St. Anthony’s has officially started. It started this week. So the sh*t’s getting real. And one thing I have learned over the past two years is that working out after work is just simply NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I am exhausted after work. But even if I’m not exhausted after work, by the time I do homeworks, reading times and bed times with the kids, THEN I am exhausted. It is 8:30 or 9 o’clock and nothing is going to happen then. Except maybe wine and on Monday nights, the Bachelor.

So I have begun waking up at *cough cough* 4:30. 

That’s 4:30 a.m.


I don’t know if you know this about me but I AM NOT  a morning person. I have never been a morning person. If I am up when it is still dark out, it makes me angry. It’s not fair. No one should have to be up that early.

The thing is, if I am not up that early doing my swim, bike, run, or strength workout, it aint gonna get done. And so I have a choice to make. Get it done or stay fat and sedentary and unhappy and continue to squeeze into my clothes (or buy a new wardrobe.) It has actually been quite liberating to be leaving the gym and done with my workout when people are walking in to start theirs. Or being done showering by the time the kids get up.

My last post about exercise was my embarkation aboard PiYo, which I actually LOVED! But sadly I didn’t stick with it. It last three weeks. But I really did LOVE the mix of Pilates, strength and yoga. It was magical! If only I could stick with it.

This time I have my workout buddy Nicole. This past week, I met her at the gym at 5 a.m. for a swim on Monday, spin on Tuesday, brick on Thursday and we will run again on Sunday. I typically get a date night swim in with the husband Friday nights and do a spin on Saturday. So it is very possible that this will all very much actually work (the odds are ever in my favor). The race is in April. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by then and be able to do well in the Olympic triathlon.

The other goal I have is to do a race a month for 2015! This actually started in November with the turkey trot, I ran the Say No To Drugs 10k in December and I am still looking for a January race. But in February, I am running the Best Damn Race, April is St. Anthony’s, June is Dunedin, and I am working on filling in the holes.

I have also started logging my food on My Fitness Pal. Mostly because guessing what I’m eating is not working. The scale is not moving. I am clearly eating too much. My user name is Christieo_7 if you want to friend me. I have logged successfully for 6 days now. Hurrah! I hope to not log forever, but I will get things under control and see if I can make progress.

I am also cutting out a lot of sugar. Not coffee or wine though, are you crazy?

I am officially in the worst shape I have been in since 2009. Also, this is the year I turn 40. Unless I turn things around, it will start to be much harder to get things in check.


Where are you in your goals: starting? Restarting? Not starting? Already there? Also tell me below what works for you.

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